
In our most resent version of Cruse Quick we have added games. On the soundboard portion of the app is where the player is able to listen to the various curses. Along with the audio of the curse being played, a text of curse in phonetic English with be displayed to help reinforce the pronunciation of the word. The soundboard section of the app is the basis for being able to play the various games that are an integral part of the new version of the app. There are a total of eight games.
The F*** You Game: This game will include all 46 of the languages in the app. It will randomly play the curse F*** You from one of the 46 languages. On the screen there will be four of the languages for the player to choose from. Along with the four choices, there will be a timer ticking down as the player decides which language to choose. The timer will be five seconds. The timer will get progressively faster the further along the player gets. This game will go on forever until the player gets a wrong answer. Each correct answer will get a point. Points will be added up and their final score for that game will be added to the leader board. This would be included with the app for free.
The Whole F***ing Enchilada: This game would include all the curses from all 46 languages. It will randomly play a curse, one of the 14 curses included on the soundboard section of the app from a random selection of the 46 languages. Like the F*** You Game, it would play the curse and give the player four choices. There will be a timer. The timer will be five seconds. The timer will get progressively faster the further along the player gets. This game will go on forever until the player gets a wrong answer. Each correct answer will get a point. Points will be added up and their final score for that game will be added to the leader board.
The Continent Pack F*** You games (3 Games): These would be like the F*** You Game, but would only have the F*** You curse from each language from that continent. Africa would have 10 languages, Asia would have 14 languages, and Europe would have 22 languages. On the screen there will be four of the languages to choose from. Along with the four choices, there will be a timer. The timer will be five seconds. The timer will get progressively faster the further along the player gets. This game will go on forever until the player gets a wrong answer. Each correct answer will get a point. Points will be added up and their final score for that game will be added to the leader board.
The Continent Pack All Curses games (3 Games): This series of games would be harder. The game would include all the languages of the continent. It will randomly play a curse, one of the 14 curses included on the soundboard section of the app. Like the F*** You Game, it would play the curse and give the player four choices. There will be a timer. The timer will be five seconds. The timer will get progressively faster the further along the player gets. This game will go on forever until the player gets a wrong answer. Each correct answer will get a point. Points will be added up and their final score for that game will be added to the leader board.